
Almost done!

Took some huge steps in getting the site done last night. Grateful that I have a supportive wife and God giving me the ability to press through, all the way to three o’clock in the morning!

Gonna feel this one today, and will get my nap in for sure.

Almost there!

OK, gotta do it!

Been struggling the last couple of days trying to get my butt back in gear to promote our production company and finally finish the website.  But today is the day I’m going to do it!  And finish it!

By the end of the night, the site should be live.  Thank you Lord for inspiring me to keep going, even though I don’t always want to because of FEAR.

This is what I’m going to use to fight back.

By now, everyone has an opinion on the latest in Tiger’s drama. Today, a voicemail appeared, and if that ain’t Tiger, man, it was a pretty good impersonation of him.

Let’s be clear here:  what he did was obviously wrong.  You don’t have to be a saint or a sinner to “judge” him on that.  If I commit a sin (and I have committed many in my lifetime), I am wrong. It’s not judging when you do that.  So forgive me for getting annoyed at folks saying we shouldn’t “judge” him, and we’re all human.

We are human, but that doesn’t preclude us from calling right, right and wrong, wrong.  I feel as long as we don’t overly criticize the situation, pray for all parties involved, and learn from the mistakes of others, we will be right with Him.

And that’s where we wanna be.

Lastly, we have to not put our “gods” on such a high pedestal that this behavior shocks us.  There is none like Him.  So it shouldn’t be reasonable to expect the people we put on or near God’s mantle to be like Him.  They just can’t.

I feel these situations should remind us not to place our hope in man, and look towards the righteous one.  We won’t ever be disappointed.

As far as my title, well, I am a huge Packers fan, and I thought my mentioning of the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears went well with my topic.

I guess, lol.


Name change!  Switchin’ the blog name to Craig_Musik, the name I’m really identifying myself with lately (and it’s my twitter name, lol).

Change is good.

PF Yes!

Well, didn’t want to forget the great time I had last night celebrating my wife’s birthday. I took her to P.F. Changs (one of her favorites) for dinner and surprised her with my gifts.

She was so excited! And I loved every minute of it!

We had a good time, but I was most surprised with how good the selection of food was. I had the Mahi Mahi, (grilled fish), and crab wonton.

And I know some of you might be wondering if I get out more, well, I don’t. lol And I really don’t like Chinese food.

In light of that, it was a pretty good experience, and I would recommend the atmosphere to those that are like me, don’t really care for Chinese, but maybe eat it once in a while.

There are some of you out there like that, right?

335 Days

Where or where did 2009 go? Can you believe it’s already December?

I can’t, but hey, here we are. All praises to God for keeping me (and the rest of you) here for what, 335 days this year. Yes, I just looked that up.

When we look back on how far we’ve come, even though we don’t have ALL of what we want, it’s pretty incredible of God to just sustain us for all of this time.

Today, I’m making sure I’m giving Him about 335 days worth of keeping me. I shudder to think what if ANY of those days I didn’t make it.

And that would be a sad Christmas story, don’t ya’ think?

Birthday Thoughts!


I am officially blogging.  Yep, Craig is officially blogging.  Took me almost 12 months into 2009 to finally get my very own blog.  Feels pretty good, I guess.

Well, this is my very first post.  Don’t expect too many folks to read it, but here it goes.

No, it’s not my birthday,  but my wife, Chivonne.  She is 29 years old, officially, today.  We’ve only been married 14.5 months or so (lol), but we’ve definitely grown in those months.  Still going through the newlywed phase, but God has kept us.  And I am thankful for that.

So my first post is about her, the most amazing woman I have met on this side of heaven.  Happy Birthday honey!

I will probably have a post later on today about how her day (and mine) went.
